Minimum Water Bill

In order to a receive a minimum water bill your consumption must be 6,000 gallons or less.

Usage over 6,000 gallons will be billed on tiered rate structure. The tier rate table for C.E.W., Georgian Walk, DOWay, Cartee Enterprises, Smith Creek, Alexander Farms, Westridge, Horizons West and Heritage Park water systems is as follows:

Consumption Billable Amount
0-6,000 Minimum Bill
6,001-16,000 $2.10 per 1,000 gallons
16,001-26,000 $2.30 per 1,000 gallons
26,001-36,000 $2.50 per 1,000 gallons
36,001-46,000 $2.75 per 1,000 gallons
46,001 and over $3.00 per 1,000 gallons


The minimum water charges are as follows:

Minimum Subdivision/Community
$36.00 Heritage Park
$44.00 Bradford Place*, Brookwood, Carrington South, Deerfield*, Georgian Walk*, Hawks Ridge, Hidden Hills, High Cotton, Huntington*, Hunters Pointe, Pebblestone*, Parkway Place*, Pretoria Station, Picket Fences*, Oak Pointe (Do-Way), Stillwater, Sweetbriar, Westover
$50.00 Alexander Farms, Berkshire, Bryan Woods, Lakeside, Canoe Lakes, Horizon's West, Meadowlakes (Cartee Enterprises)*, On The Pond, South Effingham*, Southern Comfort, The Oaks, Weatherstone
$55.00  Grimball Point
$65.00 Chandler Heights

Note: Subdivisions denoted with an * have street light, sewer, and/or garbage charges. These charges will be added to the minimum water bill. Please contact our office for more information.

The Following Rate Structure is for Residents of Chandler Heights Only.

Water                                                                                                 Sewer

Consumption Billable Amount
0 - 3,000 Minimum Bill
3,001 - 9,000 $2.60 per 1,000 gallons
9,001 - 19,000 $2.70 per 1,000 gallons
19,001 and over $2.80 per 1,000 gallons
Consumption Billable Amount
0 - 3,000 Included in Minimum Bill
3,001 - 9,000 $2.10 per 1,000 gallons
9,001 - 19,000 $2.30 per 1,000 gallons
19,001 and over $2.50 per 1,000 gallons

The Following Rate Structure is for Residents of The Oaks and Weatherstone Only.

Consumption Billable Amount
0 - 6,000 Minimum Bill
6,001 - 12,000 $2.00 per 1,000 gallons
12,001 - 18,000 $3.00 per 1,000 gallons
18,001 and over $4.00 per 1,000 gallons

Account Fees

Description Fee
New Account Establishment Fee $60
Home Inspection Fee $60
Returned Check Fee $30/each
Disconnect for non-payment $75
Damaged or cut lock $18
Meter pull due to cut lock/theft of services $150
Tap Fees $1000
Late Fees for Georgian Walk Water $15
Late Fees for all other systems 10%

How To Read Your Water Meter

Step 1

Locate your water meter/meter box. This is usually in the center of the front yard or in the front corner of your yard.

Step 2

Lift up the meter box lid and set it to the side. Always use caution when lifting the lid, it is common for snakes and/or spiders to be inside the meter box.

You should now see your meter. Note: some have covers over the glass that will need to be lifted.

The meter “box” does not have a bottom, because of this it is often full of dirt and/or rainwater. It may be necessary to carefully remove some of the dirt or water to see the meter. Meters are usually centered in the box.

Step 3

You will see white dials with black numbers (these indicate 1,000 ex: this meter reads 358, 000 gallons) and black dials with white numbers (these indicate 100’s and ten’s ex: this meter reads 358,160 gallons)

The last number is a painted zero in the one’s place (the ones place is metered by the needle ex: this meter reads 358,161.65)

When reading your water meter, we read the first 4 numbers on the dial (the white dials with black numbers that represent thousands). This tells us how many thousand gallons you have used since the last reading and that is what you are billed. Ex: *if the reading is 0012 this month at billing and 0016 next month at billing this shows a usage of 4,000 gallons if the reading is 0012 this month and 0020 next month this shows a usage of 8,000 gallons (just a reminder that 0-6,000 gallons is a minimum bill. Any usage over 6,000 will be billed according to the tiered rate structure) the state of Georgia requires us to use a tiered rate structure to encourage conservation of water.

Step 4

That’s it!! It is a simple process and something we encourage you to do to monitor your own usage. This is also very useful if you have an irrigation system or are doing any watering to grass or landscape. You can know exactly how much water you are using every time you water by reading your meter before and after each irrigation session.

How To Test Your Water Meter (Accuracy)

Step 1

Follow the instructions for How To Read Your Water Meter

Step 2

Get a gallon jug and fill it up at the closest spigot. Note: if you are using a milk jug and fill it so the water is flush with the top, that is 1.2 gallons of water, so just take note of how full your jug is when you re-read your meter.

Step 3

Go back to your meter and see how far the needle has moved. It should show 1 gallon of usage (if you filled a gallon milk jug to the very top your meter should show 1.2 gallons of usage).  Here are some examples of what this looks like.

1.2 Gallon Usage

1 Gallon Usage


Step 4

Replace the lid and you have now tested your water meter!  If you have any questions about your results or would like us to walk you through this process feel free to call the office to set that up.

Understanding Your Bill

  1. The name displayed at the top left corner of your bill is the name of your water company and that which all payments should be made payable to (i.e. Georgian Walk Water, C.E.W. Water, Cartee Enterprises, etc..)
  2. The second and third line of the top left corner of your bill is our mailing address and phone number. All payments can be mailed to this address or dropped in our drop box at our office. For questions, concerns, or general information you may contact the office at this number.
  3. Bill date is the date your bill was printed.
  4. Due date is always the 15th of every month (please note: a late fee will be added after the 15th )
  5. Your account number is in the right corner of your bill and should be included with all payments
  6. Previous is the previous meter reading (the reading from the month before).
  7. Current is the date your meter was read and the reading we obtained.
  8. Consumption is how many thousand gallons of water were used during this billing period. This is the amount of water you are being charged for this billing cycle.
  9. The note on the bottom of your bill is very important. Accounts are considered past due after the 15th . Any accounts not paid in full by the 15th will be shut off and additional fees will be added.
  10. Either portion may be returned with your payment. Please include your account number and/or service address with your payment to ensure payment is posted to the proper account.